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社長挨拶(President Message)




そして、2022年の会社創業100周年に向けてスローガン“Shoot the next Arrow”(次世代の矢・アローを放とう)を掲げ、お客様の「輸送品質と輸送効率の技術パートナー」としての価値実現に全社一丸となり邁進して参ります。 これからも変わらぬご指導とお引き立てを賜わりますよう宜しくお願い申し上げます。

株式会社 矢野特殊自動車
代表取締役社長 矢野彰一

President’s Message

Koichi Yano founded our company in 1916 when he built Japan’s oldest domestically-produced “Arrow” passenger car. Ever since, we have been pioneers in building special-purpose vehicles. We have always met the constant challenge of developing products to fit the various needs of the transport industry by working closely with our customers. Our company owes a great debt of gratitude to our supportive customers for our cooperative progress.

In 2003, we acquired a manufacturing factory in Shiga Prefecture, that contributed to the nationwide expansion of our business from Hokkaido to Okinawa. We would like to once again thank all of our many loyal customers, who have made this development possible.

Befitting of the ever-changing generation we live in, demands from the market have become highly sophisticated while simultaneously being extremely diverse. By harnessing our founder’s “Yano Spirit” that beckons us to be challenge oriented, engage in team-work, embrace the hands-on approach, and encourage fair-play, we constantly cultivate our technological strengths and techniques to exceed global standards. In doing so, we are constantly evolving to meet the highly sophisticated needs of our customers.

As we approach our centennial anniversary in 2022, our motto, “Shoot the next Arrow”, represents the goal of solidifying the value our entire company has to offer. This target will be achieved by pursuing our value to serve as a partner who improves the quality and efficiency of our customer’s transportation practices. I would ask that you, the customer, continue to entrust our company with the guidance and loyalty that you have tirelessly provided.

President. Shoichi Yano.

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